Saturday, July 16, 2016

University Pedagogy Universidad Fernando Noveno Cultural Digital Agenda @ FIX University Campus UPI

Fernando IX University

Uni 092: Academic Coaching 

This course is designed to provide individualized academic coaching to help students develop a plan for success in their chosen program. This course is open to students who change degree programs and may be repeated.

Uni 093: Academic Management Seminar 

This course is designed to help students develop the confidence needed for achieving academic success through the supportive relationship of an academic coach. General class instruction along with individualized academic coaching is used to guide students to create and achieve their academic goals. This course is open to all students and may be repeated.

Uni 094: Academic Management Mentoring 

This course is designed to provide weekly individualized academic coaching for students enrolled in Academic Management Seminar.

Uni 101: Freshman Seminar 

Connects new students with the mission and culture of Bob Jones University in order to foster a successful college experience. This course aims to cultivate an appreciation for Christian liberal arts higher education and the distinctives of BJU, reinforce the principles that comprise the framework of student life expectations, help students extend their academic skills and set realistic goals, encourage engagement in curricular and co-curricular opportunities and develop priorities and disciplines necessary for long-term spiritual success. Required of freshmen.
Fernando Noveno University                                                                                                         © 2016 The Board of Trustees of the
Department of Art & Art History                                                                                          Fernando Noveno University. All RightsReserved
RecStay Cultural Campus
Cali (v) Colombia, South America

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